sandwiches & being stewards of life and love - rev. nick coates

This week we look at a story about the movement of grace: a story about the God who comes into our sickness, our brokenness, and deaths, and takes us by the hand and lifts us up out of it, bringing us back into health, back into wholeness, and back into life as it was meant to be. The question it leaves us with is 'how will you be a steward of that life and love?'

What we do with our power - Rev. Nick Coates

We all have power. Whether its our words, actions, presence, or how we spend our money, we all have the ability to influence the people and world around us. The question is: how do we use that power? Do we use it for our own benefit or do we use it for the benefit of the people and world around us?

[Due to technical difficulties, there is a delay in posting. We will upload as soon as possible.]

To read the written version, please go here.