rev. joanne anquist, m.div

Joanne had wanted to become a minister since she was kid, but was raised in a denomination that didn’t ordain women. She found the United Church in her 20s, but it wasn’t until three children and several careers later that at age 50 she went back to school to complete her MDiv. After practicing law and working at several United Churches in Calgary, half in half out, she could no longer ignore the prompting of the Spirit to commit to ministry. She attended Seminary in Halifax, interned in Oyen and was called as Lead Minister at McDougall United in July 2016. Since January 2024, she is part of the Ministry Team that serves Red Deer Lake United, along with Ogden United and McDougall United.  Her Sunday services are a balancing act. 

Joanne believes the Divine is encountered when people are truly human -- when they’re honest with themselves and who they are. Sunday Reflections are based in the biblical story, which includes the good and bad of humanity, and she’s not afraid to talk about it! Even so, she insists they can be unsettling and sometimes even wrong, but the ancient writings give insight to our everyday lives. Joanne says “the Church is flawed in so many ways, and we’ve made lots of mistakes – but at its best, it is a place of sacred community, social justice and spiritual renewal. That’s what keeps me going!” You can reach Rev. Joanne here

rev. bill weaver, m.div

Pastoral Care.

Bio coming soon.

You can reach Rev. Bill here

rev. dr. grant dawson b.a., m.div., d.d.

Grant was born in Hamilton Ontario and attended McMaster University and Emmanuel College in Toronto. He then spent 2 years in Kazabazua, Quebec,—Yes, it does exist.—and 4 years on the Kirkton/Woodham pastoral charge north of London, Ontario before coming to Knox in Calgary. He technically retired in 2013.

He received his doctorate from St. Stephen’s College in Edmonton in 2004.

He is married to Dorothy and they have two sons, Shawn and Scott, and one greyhound, Walter.

Grant enjoys travelling, eating out, reading just about everything, gaming, and studying languages.

He is looking forward to his time with us. You can reach Rev. Grant here.

rev. danah cox, m.div

Rev. Danah Cox has degrees in both fine arts, (B.F.A., John Herron in Indianapolis) and ministry (Mdiv., Andover Newton Theological Seminary). As his call to ministry came later in life, Danah had a variety of work and life experiences that he feels have helped prepare him for ministry. He is the father of two boys, and a girl.

Before going into seminary he worked in classic French restaurants for over 25 years, owned a Creole/Cajun restaurant, taught “At Risk” youth, worked for a design firm, in video production and as a portrait artist. Since his conversion to Christ, he has served on the New Orleans board of the United Church of Christ as chair of Christian education, as a liaison to the Southern region UCC’s nationwide Partners in Education Initiative, as well as serving as pastor for both Campbell-Stone, and Renfrew United Church of Canada, and Brush with the Spirit church plant initiative. Danah has always loved to travel, and while being born and raised in New Orleans serves as foundational to Danah’s identity, he has also lived in Indianapolis, Boston, Seattle and now Calgary. Living in these geographically distanced cities, years in hospitality, and beginning seminary in a primarily African American institution (Dillard University), has helped him to appreciate the broad range of the mindsets from different North American cultures. Danah has found that his diverse background, exposure to many cultures, open mindedness and general outgoing personality helps him to deliver engaging workshops that puts people at ease, meets them where they are, and hopefully brings them to surprising new places to explore their faith.

You can reach Rev. Danah here

Angie Johnston, office Manager

Angie has been with RDLUC since 2021.

She has a Business Diploma and a diverse background, working within the Telecommunications and Energy sector for the last 23 years – from Business Administration to Project Manager, Quality Assurance Manager and Sr. Land Manager dealing with projects within Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC. Her early exposure to Indigenous friends she made at school in Cardston, AB & Mesa, AZ, stood her well in her career. She has dealt extensively with all Bands within Treaty 7 and most within Treaty 8, dealing with consultation and communication.  

After 23 years, Angie decided to leave that industry and take a time out. Not using her mind at work drove her a little crazy after awhile, and she happily made a career change to join the Team at RDLUC.

She enjoys working in the yard, walking, bike riding, playing tennis, spending time outside and in nature. She’s a passionate animal lover and likes to cook, play the piano, read and, most importantly, spend time with her family. You can reach Angie here.

munk boldbaatar, accompanist

Munk began studying guitar at the age of 15. At the university level, he studied piano teaching at the Mongolian University of Music, earning his Bachelor of Arts (Piano Teaching and Accompanying), and his Master of Arts. He started working as an accompanist in 2008 and began his musician career. 

Composing, arranging, and performing often make their way into studio sessions with Mr. Munk. He is always trying to find new ideas/originals to perform. He is encouraging and patient. 

Munk’s musical philosophy is ‘to be effective, one needs to adapt’ - he adapts his performing style according to each musical genres, since everyone is different! Munk says, "I am a lucky person, because I get to do what I love the most.”

carrie styranka, bookkeeper

Carrie has been with RDLUC since 2021. 

She has done bookkeeping for various companies through a home-based business.  Some of her clients included a veterinarian, a day spa, and a cleaning service, as well as miscellaneous companies that need their books done once a year at tax time.  When the veterinarian and day spa sold their businesses, Carrie applied as the bookkeeper at RDLUC and is happy to work with such a great group of people. 

Carrie’s passion in life is her family!  She and her husband, Mark, have three grown children, two daughters and one son, and a West Highland Terrier named Fergus.   

In spring, summer and early fall Carrie loves to garden!  She has a vegetable garden and three raised beds in their yard, as well as a flower fairy garden.  Carrie also coordinates the garden in their community and plants one raised bed and a ground plot there as well. 

She and Mark love to cook, barbeque and spend time with friends and family.  They also enjoy music of all kinds and attend many musical performances and theatre throughout the year. You can reach Carrie here.

jennifer aldous, Communications administrator

Jennifer joined the RDLUC office team in June 2023. She’s responsible for the Sunday Worship slide deck, weekly newsletter, social media announcements & posts, maintaining the website, assisting with Church@Home magazine and in-house graphics.

Jennifer loves to be on the water, whether it’s in a Kayak or on her Stand Up Paddle board. Jennifer is a long time volunteer with Girl Guides of Canada. She enjoys spending time in the mountains hiking, going on trail bike rides and spending time with her family. You can reach Jennifer here

Andy trimble-menu, Custodian

Andy joined the RDLUC staff in 2024. He is responsible for maintaining the building and grounds here at RDLUC. He collaborates with the staff and many volunteers to keep the building a welcoming and beautiful place! 

Andy is passionate about dogs and all animals. He loves spending time exploring in nature, camping, and paddling his kayak and canoe.