Community/congregational care

What is it

Simply described, this is care that meets people's most pressing and immediate needs, delivered by a leader or a minister in your church community.  This care is available, not only for community of faith members and attendess, but for people in the greater community. 

Community Care, in collaboration with the Ministry Team, encompasses a variety of valuable services that focuses on the mind, body and spirit. 

We have several vibrant and active Teams serving under the banner of Community Care.  If you are in need of some encouragement, support, guidance or something more specific.....please continue reading below to see how we can help. Please…..don't hesitate to reach out to Anne Welsh or Wilma Clark here or phone 587-679-7184.  


Provides confidential, respectful and safe in-person visits or telephone calls upon request; for those who are struggling with concerns, grief or conflict in their lives, or for those who would like to share their joy and celebrations. In-person visitation can be at church, at home, Care Facilities or hospitals.

senior care

Offers compassionate care to our seniors who may be in care homes or shut in, including visitations, telephone calls, and monthly care packages that include our Church@Home magazine.

food service

Provides food for those in need, along with meal preparation for people who aren’t able to make their own.

If you have questions about any of these services, please email or phone 587-679-7184.

If you are in need of immediate pastoral care from our Minister. Please contact Rev. Bill Weaver at or at 403-630-5633.

Resources & Education

Focuses on providing educational resources and support surrounding health, housing situation/location, and family issues or concerns.


Offers quiet, contemplative energy healing sessions by appointment. This engaged and active team meets once per month to practice and learn together, as well as confidential weekly meditation, remote healing and prayer for those requesting it.

Prayer & Blessings

Dedicated to private and confidential prayers as requested for your loved ones and friends. Support is also available through prayers and blessings during our Sunday worship.

Caring Hugs

Provides individualized items, such as a prayer box, coloring books, reflections and more, to provide loving support for those facing challenging times in their lives.

Prayer Shawls/Quilts

Shawls and quilts are made by members of the congregation and community, that are provided to newborn babies and parents who are suffering, or for babies and families during celebrations, such as baptisms and blessings.

Chemocare Bags

For those undergoing chemotherapy treatments, these bags include items to bring some measure of comfort and support during treatments, such as blankets, tea and prayers, amongst other items.

Caring Cards

Loving handcrafted and sent out to share celebration, support and caring.