not in purity but in love - rev. chang-han kim

Challenging the Jewish purity system of first century Palestine, Jesus taught the inward transformation of faith; Jesus saw that any outer form of rituals and customs was the expression of the innermost mind. Jesus’ redrawn boundaries were not based on the system of purity but on the transformative power of love. In following Jesus, all people are included and welcomed regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

embracing the crazy - rev. nick coates

What do we do with crazy? Generally we're taught to do one of two things: either gaslight it or tame it. But our tradition offers a third option: embrace it. When it comes to the crazy ideas Jesus offers us like safe spaces for everyone, looking after the poor, and trusting we are all loved our job isn't to laugh it off or rationalize it away but to say 'yes' and embrace the crazy.

rivers of justice: immigration & refugees - rev. nick coates

In 2017 there were 65 million people displaced in our world. That's 1 in 113 people. As we have conversations about what to do with immigration and refugees, we need to know how to have that conversation as people of faith and spirituality. We need to ask: 'What is God saying to us about this?". Turns out, God is saying something we need to hear.

Rivers of Justice: Truth & Reconciliation - Rev Bill Phipps

What does justice look like in our relationships with our indigenous neighbours? Rev. Phipps spoke to us about the challenge of owning the moment and stepping forward to love our neighbours by taking responsibility for the spiritual, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse residential schools have caused and listening to how we can make things right.