a christmas wish tree

Our kids and youth are excited to set up our Christmas donation tree this year. They’re worried about everyone having enough food to eat, and they really want to support a Food Bank. 


This year there will be a Christmas “WISH TREE”!


They have made cards to hang on the tree and they will be up this Sunday! Each card will represent food gift-cards for a family. You are invited to take a card and fill it out with the following:

·      choose the number of gift-cards you wish to purchase for the families

·      choose the denomination of the card(s)

·      choose which store the gift-card(s) should be from

·      then go to the HUB and make a donation to Red Deer Lake United Church to cover the cost of the gift-cards (Cash, cheque and debit only please)


The church will then purchase gift-cards for all those donations using our Fundscrip program, which you will receive a tax receipt for.  This is a win-win as the church will receive a percentage from the gift-cards.


We are excited, once again, to partner with Fish Creek United Church for this program.  They will be making hampers for local families in need and will include our gift cards in the hampers. 


Please join us to support our young people to help those in need! 

In order to receive the gift cards in time, the Wish Tree program is only available for 2 Sundays – November 26 and December 3. 


If you plan on being away, or can’t make it to RDLUC on these dates, you can still participate and donate to the Wish Tree online. Click the button below and select the Christmas Wish Tree Fund. Debit over credit would be preferred. Thank you!